To me you were a home. To you I was just a vacay.

Parsing Charm: The Appendix of Complacency

A male computer voice mutates into an auditory avatar that yearns for recognition. A liberation that is empowering. A necessary realization at the end of a love affair. An abstracted self-analysis. PC:TAoC is an investigation of the indestructibility of partnership bonds that stretches towards new forms of self-discovery and self-sufficiency. Contemplating quotes by author Sade Andria Zabala, the video collage illustrates the many layers between dependency and sovereignty, when the grievousness of the former also means a painstaking process towards the latter. The young Queen Nehelenia becomes the icon of the threatening new moon. For she stands both for the ever budding hope of recognition and the delicate fragility of romantic concepts. Therefore, the young queen seeks to be a wake-up call for us to break the mirrors of our vanity and neediness. Should we then still hang on to the debris of the reflecting mass, we can also gladly wait for new demons to sprout—if we only stare at the shreds of the past long enough.